

A piece of code can be combined as a function. A function can expect parameters and can return a value. The simplest function is the println function to print a message to the output stream (for example the console).

The syntactic structure of a function:

<parameter> ::= <name> ":" <typename> ("=" <expression>)?
<parameter_list> ::= <parameter> || <parameter> "," <parameter_list>
<function_definition> ::= <modifier>? "func" <name> "(" <parameter_list>* ")" (":" <typename>)? "{" <body> "}"

A quick example:

func printHello() {

When you want to pass arguments to a function, do it like this:

func greet(name: string) {
    println("Morning, " + name + "!");


To give a return type, you put an colon before the block of code. If you don't provide a return type it will be automaticly deduces. If the function has multiple return statements in branches the compiler tries to find the nearest common type except for System.ValueType and System.Object.

func getMyLovedNumber(): i32 {
    return 2;

let lovedNumber = getMyLovedNumber(); // this will be 2

You can also use a shorthand syntax to define a function that directly return its body:

func awnser() => 42;

This sample declares a discriminated union and automaticly deduces the type for the function deducingTest. The return type will be deduces to Expr.

type Expr = | Literal()
            | Unary();

func deducingTest() {
    if true {
        return Unary::new();
    return Literal::new();

For default values, just define them in the head of the function like so:

func greet(name: string = "Oh no it's nameless :c") -> none {
    println("Morning, " + name + "!"); 

greet(); // this will be "Morning, Oh no it's nameless :c!"

Generic arguments will be defined with the where keyword after the arguments:

private static func myCoolFunction<T>(smth: T) where T: GameObject :T {
    // code...

When you want to skip a default variable of a function, do it this way:

func greet(name : string, thisIsUseless: bool = false) {
    println("Morning, " + name + "!"); 

greet(name = "Peter"); // we skip the bool "thisIsUseless" and jump directly to the name argument

Optional arguments have to be after mandatory arguments.

A function can also be overloaded. That means an other function that has the same same but different parameter types.

Here is a simple example:

func printNumber(num: i32) {

func printNumber(num: f32) {


A delegate declaration is a type safe function pointer.

<delegateDecl> .= <modifiers> "delegate" <signature> ";"

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